Sunday, August 29, 2010


please look at the picture and the item descrption, i mention the other day that i replace my mobile phone flex cable with a new one and i brought the spare part online in, the item description clearly state that it able to fix "camera problem", now look at the second picture:

not only me got cheated by the seller, after using the repaired mobile phone for a week, i just realise that the camera is fake camera, i can't have video call using the camera came with the ribbon, and not only me got cheated, other buyers also got cheated, must leave BAD RATING for this kind of seller.



Monday, August 23, 2010

GLEE season 2

Finally FOX had announced the Glee season 2 premiere date will be september 9, Can't wait to watch it although STAR World (sorry asstro, i didn't subscribe you ) will only broadcast the show after few episode had been aired in the U.S. OMG, i like the character Sue Sylvester very much  especially the Sue's corner where she speak out her view on anything, her character is quite funny.LOL
watch the video below and you'll know why i like her so much.

“I’ve got a bee in my bonnet, western Ohio. You know what I’ve had it up to here with? Sneaky gays. Gone are the days of Oscar Wilde, Liberace, homosexuals so flaming they could be seen from space.
Well, nowadays, sneaky gays are everywhere: at the church, at the mall, picking up their meticulously dressed fastidious children from daycare.
Why, you could be sitting next to a sneaky gay right now and you’d never even know it.
And that just don’t sit right with one Sue Sylvester.
Now, I’ve got nothing against gays;
just ask my sassy intern, Tyler.
He has to live in my toolshed because I deny him health care as I consider gayness a pre-existing condition. But what Sue Sylvester doesn’t like? Looking around and never knowing if a sneaky gay is in her midst.
We should be able to see a gay coming a mile away!
Is it wrong for me to long for the simpler days of yesteryear when performers weren’t so confusing?
Jagger, Bowie - you knew they were women.
But nowadays, this internationally ranked cheerleading coach just can’t figure it out.
Neil Patrick Harris, you confuse me.
I hear you’re gay, but there you are on my TV playing a normal, womanizing, cardigan-wearing straight. That’s confusing. And then I heard a rumour you’re not actually a doctor. So much sneaky gay deception.
Adam Lambert, you’re on the right track, but still too subtle.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ll listen to your music. I’ll even hum it under my breath as I head into the voting booth the next time the state government offers me the chance to deny you your basic rights.
But know that Sue Sylvester ain’t gonna be satisfied until you swish it up a bit.
Black nail polish? Swish it up a bit! I want to see enormous fuschia rhinestone-studded gay claws so cumbersome you can’t even perform the most basic acts of personal hygiene.
Eyeliner? Swish it up a bit! I want pencil-thin drawn-on eyebrows, Botox, and lips so full of collagen that you look like a Real Housewife of Whatever Region You Happen to Be Living In.
So swish it up, gays, because if I can’t tell who’s gay, how will I know who to judge?
And that’s how Sue sees it.”

never buy slide mobile phone

Finally my nokia 6500 slide had recovered from "coma"  @.@

many knows that my mobile phone had spoilt because of the ribbon, it takes more than a month to get repaired, and guess what, it's  repair by me, not by other people !! OMG!!i can repair mobile phone.
Well actually i'm thinking to taking it to the service center at first, But i heard that it will cost me around RM120 to change the flexi cable, so i decide to try repair it myself & i really save alot of money by repair it myself.
you see the picture then you'll know what i mean when i'm saying "never buy a slide mobile phone", the flex cable been "cut" by the slider of the phone, it take approximate RM50 to repair the phone without labour previous mobile phone -nokia 6230 which i had own for about 3 years NEVER get spoilt BeFORE!
will never buy a slide mobile phone again no matter what brand .